white and purple abstract painting

September 11th Blue

Maureen Martinez

For Rosanna & Helen

Leaden treading to an abundant
urban garden after hearing of
your unrelenting

Dead weight on a damp campus
bench. Red fall blooms heavily bent
beneath a towering
blue sky.

Facing a weathered September 11th
stone; barren tomb with no bones,
bronze columns of 39 fallen alum,

Don’t jump.

Don’t jump to concrete
I cry.

Smoke pouring
from shattered

Desperate hands grasping
gray flightless

Still alive. Alive.

Maureen Martinez is an emerging poet and counselor at an all-boys Catholic high school in New York City where she has worked for over 20 years.  She has four grown sons.  Even the dogs are male.  She comes from a long line of mountainside ramblers, late night dancers and raucous storytellers, which explains a lot.  Her poetry is published or forthcoming in Gramercy Review, Meniscus, Folly Journal, She/He Speaks 2, Washington Square Review, The Listening Eye, and Please See Me